
Notarizing a Power of Attorney 

Notarizing a Power of Attorney document that authorizes someone to act on behalf of another person.

Domestic and International Notarizations

Notarizing documents that may be used outside of the country, including apostille services.

Oaths and Affirmations

 Administering oaths to individuals who need to swear an affidavit or provide testimony.

Real Estate Documents

Notarizing documents related to property transactions, such as deeds or mortgage documents.

Notary services provide an official, legal verification of signatures on documents, ensuring that all parties involved are properly identified and that the documents are executed correctly. A notary public is authorized to witness the signing of important papers like contracts, wills, and affidavits, offering an added layer of protection against fraud. These services are commonly used in real estate transactions, legal proceedings, and financial agreements.

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